Psychological Assessments :

    Child’s IQ is barely a barometer of her/his performance or behavior. As Parents/ Guardians/ Teachers, there is always an inquisitiveness to know the Inner Self of the Child, to decode her/ his behavioral responses and to even explore her/his personality traits.

At WisdoMind, we respect each Child’s individuality and also value the role of the Parents and the Teachers in shaping it. Thereby, an assistance in the form of Psychological Assessments can really help the Parent and/or the Teacher to learn more about the Little Gem.

We believe in the Best. And we bring to you, the best in Psychological Assessments; Pearson Academy India, the best noted name in Psychological tests, Clinical Asssessments and Training.


You are an expert in the making

There is so much in your mind about something, something that you feel far more strongly than anyone. How about you pen it down!

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Upload videos of a Chef in the Making cooking his Best Dish, an Astronaut in the making her space shuttle, the Born dancer’s video, the fierce Batsman’s cover drive, a strikingly unique painting style and technique, a video featuring the prodigy’s take on a Sufi Song and so on, the possibilities are endless.

Upload videos of the Child’s Performance, every talent is Unique and deserves Respect.


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